I don't know everything going on ... I don't like to read about the news or watch it... I have enough bad in my life I don't need more.
What bothers me...
As of October 1st so many family's will be without a job, yes my home will be in the same predicament and this is why I know this.
I am ill and my husband has let me take some time away from work to try and fix myself. I have been let go of every job but one, that I walked out on because they aided in my miscarriage by not allowing me to leave work when I started spotting. I was told it was stay for the last 2 hours of my job and keep my job or leave and loose my job. Even though they knew I was pregnant and that I had started spotting. I was young and didn't know what to do, at the time all I could think of was if I loose this job how will I be able to provide for my child.
Any who...
So my home has one income, and because of Obama that one income helping us get by and helping pay for my doctors for me to try and get better will be taken from us yet again.
All I have to say is... Obama/Government you took over half of our paycheck when you made them all go on furlough and we were barely living. You make me sick you are now threatening to take not just half but all of the paycheck this time because of rushed ideas that people are trying to stop before it ruins our country.
So many other family's will be going though this, I can't believe this is happening again. I couldn't go to doctors, we bought food and went without everything else, and by food I mean pasta because it is cheep.