Meet Hope, RaisingHopeForKitties , a little kitten that got a bad start on life. She's so cute and was so tiny when we first found her. She got separated from her litter for 3 whole days and was also the runt. It was a miracle that she survived. I found her clinging to life near the steps to my home with her eyes sealed shut and covered in fleas. I have had her for about a month now and she has to be a minimum of 5 lbs. to have a surgery to fix her eye.
Hope needs a eye surgery to prevent further damage to herself and in order to live a healthy life. We hope to raise enough money to get her the care she needs before finding her a forever home.
I have set up a YouCaring account for Hope and her surgery, I will get more specific cost and her surgery date tomorrow. There is 100% no obligation to donate/gift. I do not want anyone to feel bad because they cannot donate/gift, any support is appreciated.
CLICK HERE if you would like to donate/gift.